Our Mother Earth is where lives are created, and where humans can only flourish if we look after our planet earth.
At The New Norma, however small our efforts may be, we believe in, and are committed towards minimum carbon emissions. For example, as a Company, we minimize our carbon footprint by cutting back on hardcopy printing and when that becomes not plausible, we would work with suppliers to use only upcycled products such as recycled papers with the lowest GSM possible.
Internally, we also practice the 3 principles of "Reuse", "Reduce" and "Recycle". Whilst we are already reducing our carbon footprint, our Staff at The New Norma would reuse and recycle wherever possible, via Singapore's Nationwide BlooBin (Meet Bloobin) initiatives. We also regularly contribute to item donation programs such as giving to a worthy cause via The Salvation Army's drop-off points (Ways to Give: Charity to Donate in Singapore or Volunteer for a Cause).
At The New Norma, however small our efforts may be, we believe in, and are committed towards minimum carbon emissions. For example, as a Company, we minimize our carbon footprint by cutting back on hardcopy printing and when that becomes not plausible, we would work with suppliers to use only upcycled products such as recycled papers with the lowest GSM possible.
Internally, we also practice the 3 principles of "Reuse", "Reduce" and "Recycle". Whilst we are already reducing our carbon footprint, our Staff at The New Norma would reuse and recycle wherever possible, via Singapore's Nationwide BlooBin (Meet Bloobin) initiatives. We also regularly contribute to item donation programs such as giving to a worthy cause via The Salvation Army's drop-off points (Ways to Give: Charity to Donate in Singapore or Volunteer for a Cause).